通訳の得意分野:原子力施設廃止措置、IR (Investor Relations)、エネルギー、交通、製薬、ファッション、舞台芸術
学歴 :文化服装学院服装科卒業、ロンドン大学アジアアフリカ学院中国語科卒業、ロンドンメトロポリタン大学大学院会議通訳科卒業
My name is Hiromi Sakai, a freelance Japanese-English interpreter living in London whose areas of specialty include: nuclear decommissioning, IR (Investor Relations), energy, transport, pharmaceuticals, fashion and performing arts.
I am a graduate of Bunka Fashion College (Japan), the School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London (BA, Hons, classical Chinese) and the London Metropolitan University (MA, conference interpreting).
Before becoming a freelance interpreter in 2012, I worked as the CEO's PA of a British financial systems company, as an in-house translator of a Japanese investment bank and as the full-time mother of three children.
Interpreting qualifications: MA in conference interpreting, qualified member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (MITI), certified member of Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL), Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI, English Law) and qualified member of the Japan Association of Conference Interpreting (MJACI)
Profile: I love all forms of performing arts, especially kabuki, bunraku and musicals.